L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Young Talents program – Baltic 2022
Baltic - Call for applications 2022
Doctoral-postdoctoral level
- life and environmental sciences (biological sciences, basic medicine, clinical medicine, health sciences, health biotechnology, earth & related, environmental and agriculture sciences);
- physical sciences (physics and chemistry);
- formal sciences (mathematics, computer, information sciences)
- engineering sciences and technology (civil engineering, electrical engineering, electronic engineering, information engineering, chemical engineering, material engineering, medical engineering, environmental engineering; environmental biotechnology; industrial biotechnology, nanotechnologies).
Program Overview
Latvian Academy of Science
Lithuanian Academy of Science
Estonian Academy of Science
National Commission for UNESCO Latvia
National Commission for UNESCO Lithuania
National Commission for UNESCO Estonia
1 endowment of €6,000 in Latvia to a PhD
1 endowment of €6,000 in Lithuania to a PhD
1 endowment of €6,000 in Estonia to a PhD
2 endowments of €6,000 in Latvia to PhD candidates
1 endowment of €6,000 in Estonia to a PhD candidate
1 endowment of €6,000 in Lithuania to a PhD candidate
Amount per endowment 6000 € each
Main eligibility criteria
- Applicants must not reach age of 40 on May 31st, 2022, unless the applicant at age 40 and above has been on one or more maternity leaves during her career. If the applicant has been on a maternity leave during her career, the age limit shall be extended by 18 months per each maternity leave.
- Applicant is eligible if she hasn’t already obtained an endowment from a L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science program.
- For Doctoral Candidate: being enrolled in a University or Academy in the respective Baltic country in a research laboratory. For Doctor of Sciences: being enrolled in a research laboratory or an institution in the respective Baltic country and having started their post doc before the opening date of the call for application (or having a welcome letter from the laboratory)
- For doctoral candidates the PhD defence must not take place before July 1st, 2022 and must be at minimum in the 2nd year of doctoral studies.
Program juries will use the following selection criteria for applicant:
- Quality of application file:
- Demonstrates how the training or the practical and theoretical knowledge acquired within the host organization contribute to the work of the current research;
- Excellence of the academic record (number, quality and impact of publications, conference presentations, patents, etc.),
- Research summary formulated in clear terms
- Recent, exemplary and explicit letters of recommendation.
- Scientific excellence in research area (methodology, scope, novelty, contribution to knowledge in the research area of the candidate, innovative and creative spirit)
- The candidate's ability to communicate and promote science to young people.